FREE SHIPPING Available. In Response to Evolving TARIFF Policies in USA, Now Shipping from KOLKATA (Not from Toronto)


Why did you stop shipping from Toronto?

We've done it very well for the past four years, right from Toronto. But...

Unstable trade policies between the USA and Canada are one of the primary reasons. The guidelines for shipping to the USA remain unclear at this point.

In response to evolving tariff policies, we are no longer stocking items in Canada. Historically, 75% of our orders went to the USA. Maintaining stock in Toronto and shipping to the USA from Canada may no longer be feasible.


Is there anything great about getting my order directly from Kolkata?


  • We can now offer you a very wide variety of items from very fresh lots.
  • Canada-USA tariffs or scrutinies do not apply. Policies are evolving.

The only downside is that your package may take a few extra days to arrive with regular shipping. We are working on improving this.


Have your prices increased recently?

We’ve increased the quantity of items per unit to make the process efficient and economical.

The fixed cost and labour to process an order weighing 500g or an order of 5kg are nearly the same, especially for international shippings from Kolkata.


Why has your pickup option in Toronto ended?

Historically, 98% of our orders were shipped out, and now all orders will be shipped worldwide from Kolkata .

Even many customers in the Toronto area had opted for shipping option, considering the traffic, time, effort, inconvenience, and costs associated with driving.

Additionally, we do not have the necessary manpower to always accommodate a pickup time that is convenient for customers.


Why are you so expensive?

We put a lot of thought and consideration into pricing to keep it reasonable while ensuring the sustainability and survival of this operation. 

Remember, these are all "nice-to-have" items, and the value proposition may not be adequate for everyone. Substitute products are much cheaper in local markets. Even we cannot afford certain items from our store for personal use. These products are exclusively for those only who can justify the price.

"Free shipping" means free for you, but not for us. Shipping companies do not deliver packages for free, and we must cover the cost somehow. Please do not expect the business (or other customers) to absorb your shipping costs. Like it or not, that cost is factored into item prices.

For smaller orders, the shipping charge you pay does not truly cover the cost. Whether an order weighs 500g or 3kg, the processing, procurement, handling, packing, and shipping costs remain nearly the same.

Simply put, everything you pay for shipping goes directly to the shipping companies. And if you like "FREE shipping," we thank you for making a larger purchase!


Why are your shipping charges so high?

Our shipping and delivery are handled by third-party companies. Small businesses like ours do not have strong negotiating power with them. We try our best to select companies that offer great service at competitive prices.

All packages are insured, and we generally use well-known companies. They are the experts, can handle various adversities, and deliver millions of packages everyday.


Why don’t you bring your items by sea and store them in different countries?

Expiry dates and quantity limitations are the main reasons.

Many of our items have very short expiry dates. Shipping by sea to North America takes nearly two months. After that, the products still need to be sold and reach customers, leaving little time for consumption.

To be economical, sea shipments require much larger quantities (in metric tons) of each individual item. Since our products are highly specialized, bringing a full container of just a few items is not feasible at this point.


Why not distribute these items to Indian and Bangladeshi grocery stores?

Our items are known to and wanted by a very specific group of people—like you!

Very few people outside this niche community have heard of or appreciate these products. They have their own favorites.

Retailers also need time to sell their stock and are not interested in carrying items that expire in just a few months or weeks.


Are your items cleared by customs and other authorities?

Yes. Any shipment crossing a border must be cleared by customs and other authorities. Our items are cleared in India and then again in the destination country. Our system completes the 'paperwork' electronically in most cases.

Please do not order anything that you believe might be restricted in your country of residence. If you are not comfortable, please don't do it.


If you have more questions, please contact us.